Friday, October 7, 2011

List-Making: the Type-A's Secret Form of Procrastination

My fabulous husband often takes the Peanut with him to Starbucks in the morning for about thirty minutes.  It is a win-win situation.  They bond over milk and iced coffee, and I have at least a half hour to do anything I please.  Today, I knew there was a lot that needed to be crammed into this half hour.  Unfortunately, most of this involved cleaning the house, which is truly my least favorite thing to do IN THE WORLD.  So, instead I sat down to make the most beautiful to-do list ever.  Crisp, bulleted, and numbered according to priority, it was a Type-A sight to behold.  And it had only taken me ten of the precious thirty minutes to make!  I could have easily knocked off 4 or 5 items from that list before the Coffee Club returned home.  But, yuck.  What an undesirable list!  So, I stared at the list some more.  I switched a couple of numbers around.  I edited an item that was not feasibly going to happen today ("fully clean all three bathrooms" changed to "clean counter in the Peanut's bathroom").  I added two things to the list that I had already done that morning, then erased them (with a flourish!).  By the time my coffee arrived, the 23rd Edition of Shauna's To-Do List was ready for print, and I had frantically picked up a microfiber cloth in the last three minutes hoping I could cross at least one thing off my list before the day resumed its usual two year-old centered routine.

Well, as usual, the day flew by, completely oblivious to my unaccomplished list.  As nap time neared, so did new resolve to tackle the list head-on.  The Peanut naps for a good two hours, and besides the vacuuming, I could quietly go about accomplishing everything that needed to be done. After reading a couple stories, I popped my tired tot in her crib and sat down on the couch to re-examine my list.  It hadn't changed, and therefore nothing on it looked any more appealing than it had this morning.  Now what?  There was nothing left to change on it, and nothing on it I wanted to do.  So, I added a new item to the list:
  • blog about list-making (1)
Ahhh, I feel so accomplished now!

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