Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10 of My Favorite Books To Read Aloud

Reading to your children is just about as important as feeding them.  It's almost unbelievable to me that this gloriously simple, pleasurable act packs in so many benefits.  Can you imagine if eating an entire bag of Halloween candy was good for you?  It's like that.  (Yes, I bought Halloween candy yesterday and just ate a mini peanut butter cup and now want 20 more.  Is it that obvious?!) But, let's face it, some books are more fun to read than others.  There are a few of the Peanut's books that I have strategically placed under others, hoping that she won't choose them for me to read at story time.  Then there are those that are as fun for me to read as they are for her to hear.  Those are the gems, because if the reader is enjoying the story, the listener is going to love it that much more.  After reading at least 300 books to my past students and now to the Peanut, I have definitely discovered some gems.  Here's a random list of the first 10 of these books that popped into my head:
  1. Skippyjon Jones by Judy Schachner (growing up in New Mexico was muy helpful in getting the accent right for this story!)
  2. Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina (this story is one of the Peanut's all-time favorites)
  3. The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Paul Galdone (I have read many versions of this story, this is the best!)
  4. Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal (one of MY all-time favorite books ever written)
  5. The Monster At the End of This Book by Jon Stone (A Sesame Street classic that has made me listen extra carefully to Grover's voice so I can master it while reading this book!)
  6. Bark George by Jules Feiffer (this book makes kids gasp in astonishment...I love the last page)
  7. Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter (now, if you really want to have fun with this one, always read it in a British accent.  The Peanut totally thinks his name is "Pee-tah"!)
  8. Duck on a Bike by David Shannon (of No, David! fame)
  9. Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson (this is a classic for a reason!)
  10. The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg (this was one of my students' favorites every year.  It's also great because it references so many classic fairy tales every kid should be familiar with)
I'd love to hear from you if you have favorite books to read aloud, too! Happy reading, EVERYONE!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great list Shauna! Now I have all sorts of new books to read to Lea! We love Duck on a Bike, but are not familiar with the others. I am putting my requests in at the library now!

    Right now, our favourites are by Mo Willems (of Knuffle Bunny fame): "There is a Bird on Your Head!"; "We are in a Book"; "Should I Share My Ice Cream?"; and of course, "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!" The other one that I love to read (it's very fun) is "What Will Fat Cat Sit On" by Jan Thomas. Maybe it's my sense of humour, but these books make me laugh out loud.

    Looking forward to reading to Lea from your list! We'd love to get more recommendations from you too :-)
